The hidden habit: masturbation
It won’t keep you from having children, make hair grow on your palms, or drain off all your energy. And, it won’t make you crazy! Ninety-eight percent of men and …
It won’t keep you from having children, make hair grow on your palms, or drain off all your energy. And, it won’t make you crazy! Ninety-eight percent of men and …
Every single issue of Cosmo promises “red hot,” “toe-curling,” “intense,” “unbelievable” sex. But sex therapist Theodote Rubin warns: Sexual athletics simply cannot provide long-lasting or deeper satisfactions, and to expect …
(Continued from Three secrets to xxx-ceptional sex) 3. Concentration In secrets 1 and 2, I mentioned commitment and communication. The third is concentration. But since we guys often concentrate on …
From The Why Files: When Can I Start Dating? “My friend Kathy needs to talk to you,” Heather almost whispered as she slipped into my office with a friend in …
Is life coming at you like the old video game, Asteroids?! Well, let go of the joystick, sit down and relax. Here is my exclusive formula for managing your time …
Many of the issues we face in today’s world are not addressed specifically in Scripture. So how do you decide what’s right or wrong for you? Here are some general …
How do you deal with your—or a loved one’s—impending death? Here are some excerpts from my book The Why Files that I hope will be helpful: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the author …
Watch video That’s probably surprising to those who know me as a humor writer, very funny conference speaker and one who writes under “Hope and Humor.” I’ve joked that my …
“Hi, I’m Jim. I’m a chocoholic.” And that’s a good thing. Dark chocolate is actually good for you! Numerous medical studies have revealed significant health benefits, but these apply to …
Excerpted from The Why Files: Are There Really Ghosts?. Jeeeee-sus doesn’t want you sick!” The TV evangelist nearly pokes his index finger through the camera lens. “When the devil comes …
From July/August 2009 Rev. magazine “I’ve always wanted to be in some kind of ministry, but I always thought of it as being a pastor’s wife. But now I’m sensing …
I’m afraid that stressing salvation by faith—and only faith—Christians are missing some important teachings of Jesus. I know that sounds heretical, but please hear me out. Or, I should say, …
“I’m sitting here with a loaded shotgun. I want my family back or I pull the trigger,” Al* threatened over the phone. “And don’t call the cops. I’ll kill them …
How do you deal with the death of a family member or a friend? Here are some excerpts from my book, The Why Files: Is There Really Life After Death?, …
It looked rather strange, it looked rather odd, Lying there shining on billabong sod. It looked round and square, it looked thin and fat, Platypuses stared and asked, “What is …