James Watkins: Hope & Humor

Candidates need to follow yellow brick road

Anne Coulter claims in her 2008 book If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans. One could argue, if Republicans had a heart, they’d be Democrats. Perhaps both parties need to “follow the yellow brick road” for some help from “The Wizard of Oz.” Of course, the “Wicked Witch of the Right” and the “Wicked Witch of the Left” will try to stop them as they dance off arm-in-arm to The Emerald City singing . . .

When a man is a conservative,
his logic is superlative
regarding health and art.
Be he mayor or the President
he’d get votes from ev’ry resident
if he only had a heart.
“Vote for me and you will see
some right-winged charity,
Federal aid and programs saved!
If I only had a heart.”

When a woman is liberal
emotions are forgivable.
She feels her voters’ pain!
Be it judge or the governor
Ev’ryone would simply love her
if she only had a brain.
“Vote for me and you will see
financial sanity,
A strong defense with common sense!
If I only had a brain.”

What makes candidates state their case
with clarity and a straight face?
What makes a party shun donations
from interest groups and foreign nations?
What is missing in this campaign,
besides a heart, besides a brain?

So, this election, I’m looking for a man or woman who has a brain, a heart and, oh yes, courage!

Copyright © 2000, 2008 James N. Watkins


Author and speaker

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