James Watkins: Hope & Humor

This is not a time to panic, America!

Updated June 2024

On April 12, 1861, Fort Sumter was invaded by the South Carolina militia triggering the Civil War. As you hopefully know, I am not an alarmist, but the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol by right-wing rioters certainly emphasized the depth of division in America.

Today, there are serious talks of a second civil war, states considering seceding from the Union (Alaska, Texas, California . . .) and polarizing politics paralyzing Congress!

The results of the 2024 presidential election could light the fuse on these explosive divisions.

However, this is not a time to panic! It’s time to fervently pray for our republic, to repent of any hatred and anger we may feel toward our perceived enemies, and to work at defusing this explosive atmosphere in our own communities. May God help us all!

Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Candidates need a heart, brain, courage

God is on our side . . . and theirs
Both the North and the South in America’s Civil War firmly believed God was on their side.

James Watkins for President
I am running with the Tupperware Party: “Putting a lid on government.” Click to read my entire colorful, durable, and dishwasher-safe platform.

Posting with love, truth and grace
Social media is now isolated enclaves of like-minded people shouting at those with whom they disagree

The Un-tied States of America
The Church holds the key to uniting a deeply divided country

To angry voters . . .
If you’re “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore,” then this post is for you!

There is no peace on earth
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s famous carol provided hope during the Civil War

Will God’s will be accomplished on election day?
The prophet Daniel wrote that God “controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings”

What would Jesus say to a Church divided by politics?
Jesus lived in a politically-charged culture even more divisive as today!

WWJE? Who would Jesus elect?

You want me to pray for whom?!
Paul commanded his followers to pray for Nero!

Spread the hope on socials! Right click graphic above, and “save image as,” and save on your computer to post on your socials. Or click this link:


Author and speaker

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