Nathan Watkins illustrator

Nathan Watkins is a talented illustrator whose work spans from the whimsical “Zac,” the cartoon pill bottle from Praise the Lord and Pass the Prozac to full-color illustrations for Puppy …

Writer's resources

Writers’ resources

Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators. Olin Miller Writing for publication is hard, but it is possible. So, here’s some …

Thanksgiving Norman Rockwell

Thanks for nothing

As we approach Thanksgiving Day here in the States, you might be thinking Thanks for nothing! And you wouldn’t be alone! The prophet Habakkuk writes: Even though the fig trees …

Turkey Trivia

Thanksgiving turkey trivia

Do you enjoy playing “Jeopardy” from your La-Z-Boy (“I’ll take ‘Fowl Friends’ for $1,000”)? Would you like to talk about something other thank the pandemic and politics at Thanksgiving dinner? …