mother and child in war

When is war ‘just’?

St. Augustine, a 4th century church leader, believed that war was always a sin, and if there had to be a war, it should be waged with sadness. Augustine went …

hope & humor memes

Hope and humor memes

Find my daily memes of “Hope and Humor” (and occasionally, “Evil Jim’s” “Mope and Humor”) on Facebook and Instagram. From the archives • Cartoons from the dark side (Star Wars) …

Christian Flag above American flag

Celebrating Dependence Day

Whereas, it is the duty of nations as well as of all people, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in …

Lent to Easter resources

Easter eggs-pose’

Here’s my eggs-clusive eggs-pose’ on Easter eggs. Long before the egg was associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Egyptians believed that the sun was hatched from an eggs-tremely large …

Happy 70th birthday to me!

Happy 70th birthday to me!

Yikes! I can’t believe I’m turning 70—although, I prefer to think of it as 30 plus 40 years of experience. I’ve survived the Cold War, polio, race riots, a presidential …